Mark Dever offers the following tips in his book, What Is a Healthy Church? (IX Marks; Wheaton: Crossway, 2007), p. 79:

Quick Tips: How to Find a Good Church

1.  Pray

2.  Seek counsel from a godly pastor (or from elders).

3.  Keep your priorities straight.

– The gospel must be truly affirmed, clearly preached, and faithfully lived out. A serious lack in any of these expressions of the gospel is very dangerous.

– The preaching must be faithful to Scripture, personally challenging, and central to the congregation’s life. You will only grow spiritually where Scripture is treated as the highest authority.

– Also very important is to consider how the church regulates baptism, the Lord’s Supper, church membership, church discipline, and who has the final say in decision making.

– In short, read chapters 5 to 13 in this book!

4.  Ask yourself diagnostic questions such as:

– Would I want to find a spouse who has been brought up under this church’s teaching?

– What picture of Christianity will my children see in this church—something distinct or something a lot like the world?

– Would I be happy to invite non-Christians to this church? That is, would they clearly hear the gospel and see lives consistent with it? Does the church have a heart for welcoming and reaching non-Christians?

– Is this church a place where I can minister and serve?

5.  Consider geography.

– Would the church’s physical proximity to your home encourage or discourage frequent involvement and service? If you’re moving to a new area, try to locate a good church home before you buy a house.