Thank you so much for your prayers and support over the last year as I campaigned for a seat on the Pasco County School Board.  Thank you to those who walked neighborhoods, donated funds, distributed signs, sent emails, made phone calls, stood in the rain to wave signs, and a host of other things to make it possible for me to be on the ballot today.  Thank you specifically to Jeremy Bailie (campaign assistant) and Ryan McClure (campaign treasurer) for their diligent work on my behalf.  Thank you to those who were willing to put their good names on the line and endorse my candidacy.  Thank you to my wife and boys.  You have been very patient and gracious over the last year as I have been engulfed in campaign events and activities.  It has certainly been a trying year for us.  And finally, thank you especially to the 9,779 of you who cast a vote for John Tracy.

It was truly an honor to represent you on the ballot today.  I am overwhelmed by your strong showing of support.

The final vote tallies today were:
Alison G. Crumbley – 13, 717 votes (29.32%)
Karen King – 11,965 votes (25.57%)
John Tracy – 9,779 votes (20.90%)
Steven N. Kanakis – 8,568 votes (18.31%)
Billie Ann Stamatis Kaleel – 2,756

I, of course, would have liked for the outcome to be different, but I am nonetheless excited about having the support of 20% of the voters in Pasco County.  Victory was not ultimately ours today, but there have been many victories over the last year in the form of opportunities to have a strong influence in Pasco.  This campaign was about serving families, and I will continue to do that, as I always have.

As for my political future, in the short term I will continue to serve as the president of the Faith and Family Values Republican Club of Pasco County ( and I will maintain my position as Outreach Leader for my friend Marco Rubio, in his U.S. Senate Campaign.

The long term plan?  Well,….. stay tuned.

For America,

John Tracy
Running for Pasco County School Board
District 4 – 2010 Election

For God, Family, and Country

You can connect with John on Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
Political advertisement paid for and approved by John Tracy, Nonpartisan, for School Board, District 4